by lituanica2018 | Oct 27, 2018
RASA ZOSAITĖ Postmarks of Vilnius, 1860–1915 Single Frame Exhibit Description: This single-frame exhibit shows three different types of postmarks used in Vilno / Vilna by the Russian Empire Post between 1860 and 1915. View EXHIBIT Single Frame Exhibit OTHER...
by lituanica2018 | Oct 27, 2018
TOMAS BABRAVIČIUS Baltukai. Some Errors and Plate Varieties. Single Frame Exhibit Description: The exhibit studies the first provisional stamp issues often referred as “Baltukai”. The exhibit shows the typographical (plate) and perforation errors of the Vilnius I...
by lituanica2018 | Oct 27, 2018
VITALY GEYFMAN First Non-Stop Transatlantic Flight from New York City to Lithuania. July 15, 1933 Single Frame Exhibit Description: The exhibit shows Darius and Girėnas pre-flight arrangements and plans, including personal correspondence, special overprinted...
by lituanica2018 | Oct 27, 2018
TAURAS JONAS NAINYS The Second Printing of the 1991 Vytis Issue Single Frame Exhibit Description: This traditional single frame exhibit shows the second printing stamps of the 1991 Vytis definitive issue, printed in Spindulys printing house in Kaunas. The exhibit...
by lituanica2018 | Oct 27, 2018
ANTANAS JANKAUSKAS Study of Forgeries of Lithuanian Stamps 1918–1940 Single Frame Exhibit Description: The first Lithuanian stamp forgeries appeared soon after the first stamps were issued. Falsifying stamps is usually done for the purpose of defrauding the...
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