Kovenskaya Guberniya’s Postmarks since 1860s

LIUDAS MAŽYLIS Kovenskaya Guberniya’s Postmarks since 1860s Five Frame Exhibit Description: This exhibit is a study of postmarks of the Kovenskaya guberniya of the Russian Empire from 1860 to 1915. Three types of calendar postmarks are displayed as well as...

Postal Cancels in Kaunas

EDMUNDAS LIESIS Postal Cancels in Kaunas Five Frame Exhibit Description: This exhibit shows the history and development of the postmarks of Kaunas post offices in the period of Russian Empire and the First World War. The postmarks were used from pre-stamp period since...

Postal History of Zanavykai Region 1842–2018

JUOZAS URBONAS Postal History of Zanavykai Region 1842–2018 Five Frame Exhibit Description: The structure of the Post of Zanavykai Region is investigated starting from the times of the Kingdom of Poland to which belonged Užnemunė and Zanavykija. The postal services...