Post in the Years of Destruction of Lithuanian State, 1939–1941

Five Frame Exhibit

Description: The aim of the exhibit is to demonstrate main changes in the post organization within 24 months when Lithuania as a State disappeared from the political map of the World. Geographically, definition “Lithuania” corresponds to the borders of current Republic of Lithuania. The first frame shows changes in the post of Klaipeda district after its incorporation into Germany in March-April, 1939. In the second frame postage changes after beginning of WWII in Vilnius region are demonstrated. The third frame is devoted to demonstrate the correspondence in the camps of internees and war refuges in Lithuania. On the fourth and fifth frames presented material demonstrates how Lithuanian postal organization (postage stamps, tariffs, currency, calendar cancellations) have changed after Soviet occupation of Lithuania in mid of June, 1940 till June, 1941. The exhibit pages with most rear and interesting material are listed in the right part of the table on the front page.

First Frame

Second Frame

Third Frame

Fourth Frame

Fifth Frame